Women's Resource Center

Women's Resource Center



About Us

The Women's Resource Center is a Pregnancy Help Center providing free and confidential pregnancy tests and ultrasounds. The WRC provides parenting classes in person and on-line with a great incentive program. Through the incentive program items such as car seats, cribs, and pac n' plays can be earned. The WRC also has a Baby Boutique filled with diapers of all sizes, baby clothing, baby items, and other baby and maternity needs. Trained Peer Counselors meet with Moms and Dads to help them be better equipped for pregnancy, birth of the baby, and then raising the child. The WRC also provides Life Skills training such as a Cooking Class and other groups for women and men. When someone has experienced an abortion and needs healing, the WRC provides Post Abortive Care and Healing.


Barb with WRC Booth
Having fun at PIWI
Mom and daughter at PIWI
Back to the Basics day
Tracy, Peggy, Barb, & Linda - helping for KJLT/JKFT/KJYS Sharathon
Monthly Cooking class
Fun at PIWI
Fun st PIWI

Rep/Contact Info

View Personal Bio
Linda Logsdon
Executive Director